Class of Elite Monsters



To complete the Elite Monsters System, you can see all behaviour of each Class of Elite Monsters down below.

By associating two or more classes, you can see all added skill to each monster !

List of Classes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Arcanist HW_NAPALMVULCAN any 5 20 2 80 no
Arcanist HW_NAPALMVULCAN any 10 20 3 80 no
Arcanist HW_NAPALMVULCAN any 10 20 2 1 yes
Arcanist HW_GRAVITATION any 5 15 3 1 no
Arcanist HW_GRAVITATION any 10 10 6 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Assaulter ASC_METEORASSAULT any 5 20 250 1 no
Assaulter ASC_METEORASSAULT any 10 20 5 1 yes
Assaulter ASC_METEORASSAULT any 5 20 250 1 no
Assaulter TF_HIDING any 1 15 0 150 no
Assaulter TF_HIDING any 1 50 2 150 yes
Assaulter TF_HIDING any 1 20 2 80 yes
Assaulter NJ_KIRIKAGE any 2 100 0 0 no
Assaulter NJ_KIRIKAGE any 5 100 0 0 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Avoider SL_KAUPE any 5 100 10 2 yes
Avoider SL_KAUPE any 5 30 4 1 yes
Avoider NPC_RUN any 1 30 0 30 yes
Avoider NPC_RUN any 1 30 0 30 yes

Aqua Altum Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Aqua Altum Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Aqua Altum Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Barder BA_DISSONANCE attack 20 20 0 50 no
Barder BD_ETERNALCHAOS attack 1 10 0 50 no
Barder BD_LULLABY attack 1 10 0 50 no
Barder BA_DISSONANCE attack 40 20 5 50 yes
Barder BA_MUSICALSTRIKE any 5 25 150 50 yes
Barder CG_ARROWVULCAN chase 5 25 5 50 yes
Barder BD_ADAPTATION any 1 35 0 0 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Banisher RG_INTIMIDATE attack 10 25 250 1 yes
Banisher RG_INTIMIDATE attack 10 20 20 1 no
Banisher SM_PROVOKE attack 10 20 2 50 no
Banisher SM_PROVOKE chase 25 20 2 50 yes
Banisher SM_PROVOKE any 50 20 2 150 yes
Banisher NJ_SYURIKEN any 10 20 0 60 no
Banisher NJ_SYURIKEN any 1 20 0 60 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Beater LK_JOINTBEAT any 4 30 0 60 no
Beater LK_JOINTBEAT any 10 20 2 1 yes
Beater GS_BULLSEYE any 4 20 4 80 no
Beater GS_BULLSEYE any 8 30 6 120 no
Beater GS_BULLSEYE any 8 60 8 120 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Berserker NPC_POWERUP attack 1 30 0 50 no
Berserker NPC_POWERUP attack 2 30 0 2 no
Berserker SM_BASH attack 10 40 0 40 no
Berserker SM_BASH attack 15 20 2 30 no
Berserker NPC_EARTHQUAKE attack 2 20 10 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Bleeder NPC_BLEEDING attack 5 40 5 1 yes
Bleeder NPC_BLEEDING attack 2 20 0 50 yes
Bleeder NPC_WIDEBLEEDING attack 2 25 4 1 no
Bleeder NPC_WIDEBLEEDING chase 3 25 4 1 yes
Bleeder NPC_BLOODDRAIN any 3 25 0 50 no
Bleeder NPC_BLOODDRAIN any 6 25 2 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Blinder NPC_BLINDATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Blinder NPC_BLINDATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Blinder NPC_BLINDATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Blinder NPC_WIDEHELLDIGNITY chase 1 25 4 1 no
Blinder NPC_WIDEHELLDIGNITY attack 1 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Breaker NPC_WEAPONBRAKER attack 1 20 2 50 no
Breaker NPC_ARMORBRAKE attack 1 20 2 50 no
Breaker NPC_HELMBRAKE attack 1 20 2 50 no
Breaker NPC_SHIELDBRAKE attack 1 20 2 50 no
Breaker NPC_WEAPONBRAKER attack 5 15 3 1 yes
Breaker NPC_ARMORBRAKE attack 5 15 2 1 yes
Breaker NPC_HELMBRAKE attack 5 15 2 1 yes
Breaker NPC_SHIELDBRAKE attack 5 15 2 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Buffer AM_CP_SHIELD any 15 15 3 50 yes
Buffer AL_BLESSING any 15 30 0 30 no
Buffer AL_BLESSING chase 25 20 4 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Burner AM_DEMONSTRATION attack 10 30 0 50 no
Burner AM_DEMONSTRATION attack 5 20 0 40 no
Burner AM_DEMONSTRATION attack 5 20 0 40 no
Burner AM_DEMONSTRATION chase 5 20 0 40 no
Burner WZ_FIREPILLAR idle 10 15 2 50 yes
Burner WZ_FIREPILLAR any 5 15 2 50 yes
Burner NJ_KAENSIN chase 10 20 2 1 yes
Burner SA_VOLCANO any 1 20 2 1 yes

Caster Dark

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE attack 2 100 1 20 yes
Caster Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE attack 3 60 2 30 no
Caster Dark NPC_DARKTHUNDER attack 5 25 0 70 no
Caster Dark NPC_EVILLAND idle 2 25 5 1 yes
Caster Dark NPC_EVILLAND any 3 25 250 1 no
Caster Dark NPC_DARKBREATH attack 1 20 2 50 no
Caster Dark NPC_DARKBREATH attack 2 10 2 70 yes

Caster Earth

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 2 100 1 20 yes
Caster Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 3 60 3 30 no
Caster Earth WZ_QUAGMIRE chase 3 25 2 60 yes
Caster Earth WZ_QUAGMIRE follow 3 25 2 60 yes
Caster Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE any 5 25 3 80 no

Caster Fire

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Fire MG_FIREBOLT attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREBOLT attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREBOLT attack 3 100 1 20 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREBOLT attack 3 60 3 30 no
Caster Fire MG_FIREBALL chase 20 25 2 60 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREWALL chase 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREBALL follow 20 25 2 60 yes
Caster Fire MG_FIREWALL follow 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Fire WZ_SIGHTRASHER any 15 25 3 80 no

Caster Ghost

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Ghost MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 20 25 5 1 yes
Caster Ghost MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 10 50 250 50 yes
Caster Ghost MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 5 100 1 20 yes
Caster Ghost MG_NAPALMBEAT any 10 50 2 50 yes
Caster Ghost MG_NAPALMBEAT any 10 25 0 70 no

Caster Holy

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT attack 2 100 1 20 yes
Caster Holy PR_GLORIA chase 20 25 2 60 yes
Caster Holy PR_GLORIA follow 10 25 2 60 yes
Caster Holy PR_GLORIA any 10 25 0 70 no

Caster Water

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Water MG_COLDBOLT attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Water MG_COLDBOLT attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Water MG_COLDBOLT attack 2 100 1 20 yes
Caster Water MG_COLDBOLT attack 3 60 3 30 no
Caster Water MG_FROSTDIVER chase 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Water WZ_ICEWALL chase 10 25 2 60 yes
Caster Water MG_FROSTDIVER follow 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Water WZ_ICEWALL follow 10 25 2 60 yes
Caster Water WZ_FROSTNOVA any 5 25 3 80 no

Caster Wind

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Caster Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 10 25 5 1 yes
Caster Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 5 50 250 50 yes
Caster Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 2 100 1 20 yes
Caster Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 3 60 3 30 no
Caster Wind NJ_RAIGEKISAI chase 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Wind NJ_HUUJIN follow 5 25 2 60 yes
Caster Wind MG_THUNDERSTORM any 7 25 3 80 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Catcher TF_STEAL attack 4 20 250 60 yes
Catcher NPC_SPLASHATTACK attack 5 30 0 30 no
Catcher NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 5 30 0 60 no
Catcher RG_SNATCHER attack 1 50 2 80 yes
Catcher NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 4 50 0 15 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Charmer DC_WINKCHARM any 5 100 2 150 yes
Charmer DC_WINKCHARM any 1 25 0 80 no
Charmer NPC_HALLUCINATION attack 1 25 3 60 yes
Charmer NPC_HALLUCINATION attack 1 10 6 1 no
Charmer NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 0 50 no
Charmer NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 0 50 no
Charmer NPC_LICK attack 2 20 0 60 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Cleaner PR_STRECOVERY any 10 50 2 10 yes
Cleaner AM_CP_WEAPON any 5 20 2 50 no
Cleaner AM_CP_SHIELD any 5 20 2 50 no
Cleaner AM_CP_ARMOR any 5 20 2 50 no
Cleaner AM_CP_ARMOR any 15 15 3 50 yes
Cleaner AM_CP_HELM any 5 20 2 50 no
Cleaner CR_FULLPROTECTION any 5 20 4 2 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Confuser BA_PANGVOICE attack 1 20 0 40 no
Confuser BA_PANGVOICE attack 10 25 2 1 yes
Confuser BA_PANGVOICE follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Confuser NPC_WIDECONFUSE attack 2 25 4 1 no
Confuser NPC_WIDECONFUSE chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Counter CR_REFLECTSHIELD follow 20 50 10 150 yes
Counter CR_REFLECTSHIELD chase 20 35 5 150 yes
Counter CR_REFLECTSHIELD idle 5 100 0 150 no
Counter KN_AUTOCOUNTER attack 1 100 4 50 no
Counter KN_AUTOCOUNTER chase 1 100 8 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Crasher HW_MAGICCRASHER any 5 20 3 60 yes
Crasher HW_MAGICCRASHER any 2 20 1 60 yes
Crasher LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 1 10 4 60 no
Crasher LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 3 10 6 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Curser NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Curser NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Curser NPC_CURSEATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Curser NPC_WIDECURSE attack 2 25 4 1 no
Curser NPC_WIDECURSE chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Dancer DC_UGLYDANCE attack 20 20 0 50 no
Dancer DC_DONTFORGETME attack 5 20 0 50 no
Dancer DC_UGLYDANCE attack 40 20 5 50 yes
Dancer DC_DONTFORGETME attack 10 20 5 50 yes
Dancer DC_THROWARROW any 5 25 150 50 yes
Dancer CG_ARROWVULCAN chase 5 25 5 50 yes
Dancer BD_ADAPTATION any 1 35 0 0 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Dealer NPC_POISON attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_BLEEDING attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_BLINDATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_SILENCEATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_STUNATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_PETRIFYATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no
Dealer NPC_SLEEPATTACK attack 2 20 0 60 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Deathbringer NPC_POISON attack 3 25 0 50 no
Deathbringer NPC_BLEEDING attack 3 25 0 50 no
Deathbringer AS_VENOMKNIFE chase 3 20 3 60 yes
Deathbringer AS_VENOMKNIFE chase 5 30 5 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Debuffer SA_DISPELL chase 5 50 4 1 yes
Debuffer SA_DISPELL attack 5 25 2 50 yes
Debuffer SA_DISPELL attack 1 20 2 50 no
Debuffer NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Debuffer NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 5 20 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Defender KN_SPEARSTAB any 5 25 0 40 yes
Defender KN_SPEARBOOMERANG any 10 25 0 40 yes
Defender NPC_DEFENDER any 10 1 0 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Destroyer MO_INVESTIGATE any 10 50 4 30 no
Destroyer MO_INVESTIGATE any 15 100 8 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Devil NPC_STUNATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no
Devil NPC_PETRIFYATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no
Devil NPC_SLEEPATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Dieharder TF_STEAL attack 6 20 250 60 yes
Dieharder NPC_KEEPING any 2 20 0 1 no
Dieharder NPC_KEEPING any 4 20 0 2 no
Dieharder NPC_KEEPING any 10 50 5 2 yes
Dieharder NPC_REBIRTH dead 2 100 0 60 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Divider NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 4 1 no
Divider NPC_SUMMONMONSTER idle 1 10 10 6 no

Dominari Regio Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Dominari Regio Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Dominari Regio Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Doppelganger NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 10 30 360 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Dragon SM_ENDURE chase 10 50 0 1 yes
Dragon NPC_CALLSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes
Dragon KN_CHARGEATK chase 2 100 3 50 no
Dragon NPC_DRAGONFEAR attack 2 10 10 1 yes
Dragon NPC_EARTHQUAKE attack 1 100 35 3 no
Dragon NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN attack 7 10 5 50 no
Dragon NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 3 10 0 60 yes
Dragon NPC_SPLASHATTACK attack 1 30 0 50 yes
Dragon NPC_CRITICALWOUND attack 1 5 0 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Drainer NPC_MENTALBREAKER attack 1 50 2 30 no
Drainer NPC_MENTALBREAKER attack 2 50 2 50 yes
Drainer NPC_MENTALBREAKER attack 5 30 5 1 yes
Drainer NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN any 1 20 2 80 no
Drainer NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN any 2 40 3 60 yes
Drainer NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN any 3 30 4 120 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Enchanter NPC_ATTRICHANGE any 1 50 5 1 no
Enchanter SA_FLAMELAUNCHER any 1 20 250 150 no
Enchanter SA_FROSTWEAPON any 1 20 250 150 no
Enchanter SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER any 1 20 250 150 no
Enchanter SA_SEISMICWEAPON any 1 20 250 150 no
Enchanter SA_LANDPROTECTOR chase 1 40 5 1 yes
Enchanter SA_AUTOSPELL any 6 100 5 1 no
Enchanter SA_AUTOSPELL any 7 100 5 1 no
Enchanter SA_AUTOSPELL any 8 100 5 1 no
Enchanter SA_AUTOSPELL any 9 100 5 1 no
Enchanter SA_AUTOSPELL any 10 100 5 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Enhancer SA_LANDPROTECTOR chase 1 40 5 1 yes
Enhancer HW_MAGICPOWER idle 5 100 250 6 yes
Enhancer HW_MAGICPOWER chase 10 40 5 1 yes
Enhancer HW_MAGICPOWER any 4 20 2 150 yes
Enhancer HW_MAGICPOWER any 2 20 1 150 no
Enhancer MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 10 20 2 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Evoker MG_FIREBOLT chase 8 20 4 80 yes
Evoker MG_COLDBOLT chase 8 20 4 80 yes
Evoker WZ_EARTHSPIKE chase 8 20 4 80 yes
Evoker MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT chase 8 20 4 80 yes
Evoker MG_FIREBOLT attack 4 30 150 30 yes
Evoker MG_COLDBOLT attack 4 30 150 30 yes
Evoker WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 4 30 150 30 yes
Evoker MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 4 30 150 30 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Exploder AM_CP_WEAPON any 15 15 3 50 yes
Exploder PA_SACRIFICE attack 1 20 0 1 no
Exploder NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION attack 1 50 5 1 no
Exploder NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION attack 5 100 10 0 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Falconer TF_STEAL attack 2 20 250 60 yes
Falconer HT_BLITZBEAT attack 5 30 0 30 no
Falconer HT_BLITZBEAT attack 10 50 2 50 yes
Falconer HT_BLITZBEAT any 15 50 0 30 no
Falconer SN_FALCONASSAULT any 5 20 3 30 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Fiend PA_SACRIFICE any 1 20 4 150 no
Fiend NJ_ISSEN any 10 10 3 1 yes
Fiend NJ_ISSEN any 5 10 3 1 yes
Fiend AS_POISONREACT any 10 20 3 150 yes
Fiend ASC_EDP any 1 20 150 2 yes
Fiend ASC_EDP any 3 20 450 2 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Freezer MG_FROSTDIVER attack 1 20 2 40 no
Freezer MG_FROSTDIVER attack 15 25 2 1 yes
Freezer MG_FROSTDIVER follow 10 25 4 1 yes
Freezer NPC_WIDEFREEZE attack 2 25 4 1 no
Freezer NPC_WIDEFREEZE chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Gambler CG_TAROTCARD any 1 30 2 60 no
Gambler CG_TAROTCARD any 5 30 2 60 no
Gambler CG_TAROTCARD any 10 30 4 60 yes
Gambler NPC_RANDOMATTACK any 2 50 0 40 no
Gambler NPC_RANDOMATTACK any 1 25 0 60 no
Gambler HVAN_CAPRICE any 5 50 250 40 yes
Gambler HVAN_CAPRICE any 2 25 2 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Gangster TF_STEAL attack 10 20 250 60 yes
Gangster TF_BACKSLIDING any 5 100 0 60 no
Gangster TF_BACKSLIDING any 1 25 0 60 no
Gangster AS_CLOAKING any 5 50 0 50 no
Gangster AS_CLOAKING any 5 20 0 50 no
Gangster AL_INCAGI follow 5 50 250 150 yes
Gangster AL_INCAGI chase 5 50 250 150 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Grimmer TF_HIDING idle 1 30 5 3 yes
Grimmer TF_HIDING attack 1 15 2 1 yes
Grimmer AS_GRIMTOOTH any 10 100 0 10 no
Grimmer AS_GRIMTOOTH any 5 30 0 30 no
Grimmer AS_GRIMTOOTH any 5 30 0 30 no
Grimmer AS_GRIMTOOTH any 5 30 0 30 no
Grimmer AS_GRIMTOOTH any 5 30 0 30 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Grounder WZ_QUAGMIRE any 5 10 4 2 yes
Grounder WZ_QUAGMIRE any 2 10 250 1 yes
Grounder HT_SANDMAN idle 5 15 2 50 yes
Grounder HT_SANDMAN any 1 15 2 50 yes
Grounder SA_LANDPROTECTOR attack 1 20 2 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Haster SN_WINDWALK any 10 100 5 150 yes
Haster AL_INCAGI attack 10 30 3 30 no
Haster PR_SUFFRAGIUM any 3 50 0 50 no
Haster AL_INCAGI chase 20 20 3 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Haunter NPC_INVISIBLE attack 1 20 2 50 yes
Haunter NPC_INVISIBLE idle 1 20 2 50 yes
Haunter NPC_INVISIBLE chase 1 20 2 50 yes
Haunter MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 20 25 4 50 no
Haunter MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 10 25 2 50 no
Haunter MG_NAPALMBEAT any 20 25 4 50 no
Haunter MG_NAPALMBEAT any 10 25 2 50 no
Haunter NPC_WIDECURSE any 3 20 20 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Healer AL_HEAL attack 11 50 5 50 yes
Healer AL_HEAL idle 4 50 0 20 no
Healer AL_HEAL attack 4 50 0 20 no
Healer AL_HEAL attack 4 50 0 20 no
Healer AL_HEAL attack 4 50 0 20 no
Healer AL_HEAL idle 4 50 0 20 no
Healer AB_CHEAL attack 3 50 5 20 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Hitter SM_BASH attack 10 50 0 30 no
Hitter SM_BASH attack 20 25 0 50 no
Hitter SM_BASH attack 15 100 0 0 no

Ignis Exitialis Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ignis Exitialis Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Ignis Exitialis Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Incendier TF_STEAL attack 3 20 250 60 yes
Incendier NPC_COMET attack 3 20 3 1 no
Incendier NPC_COMET chase 5 30 250 150 yes
Incendier NPC_COMET any 5 50 250 150 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Jester TK_HIGHJUMP any 2 30 0 40 no
Jester NPC_RANDOMMOVE any 5 50 0 40 no
Jester TF_BACKSLIDING angry 1 20 0 60 no
Jester TF_BACKSLIDING angry 5 50 0 1 no
Jester SM_PROVOKE chase 4 35 0 1 no
Jester SM_PROVOKE chase 12 20 4 2 yes
Jester PF_MINDBREAKER chase 5 35 0 1 no
Jester PF_MINDBREAKER chase 20 20 4 2 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Jumper TK_HIGHJUMP any 2 20 0 50 no
Jumper TK_HIGHJUMP any 7 30 4 150 yes
Jumper TK_JUMPKICK any 10 20 4 50 yes
Jumper SL_KAUPE idle 5 30 5 150 yes
Jumper SL_KAUPE any 5 20 5 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Keeper AL_HEAL attack 10 50 0 30 no
Keeper PR_KYRIE idle 10 100 0 3 no
Keeper PR_KYRIE attack 5 35 2 30 yes
Keeper PR_KYRIE attack 10 35 4 50 yes
Keeper PR_KYRIE chase 5 35 2 30 yes
Keeper PR_KYRIE chase 10 35 4 50 yes
Keeper AL_HEAL idle 10 50 0 20 no
Keeper NPC_KEEPING any 1 100 0 2 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Killer AS_CLOAKING idle 11 100 0 1 no
Killer AS_CLOAKING chase 11 50 2 40 yes
Killer AS_CLOAKING attack 11 20 0 20 no
Killer AS_SONICBLOW attack 20 100 0 20 no
Killer NPC_POISON attack 2 20 0 50 no
Killer NPC_POISONATTACK attack 4 20 0 50 no
Killer AS_SONICBLOW attack 5 10 2 40 yes
Killer AS_SONICBLOW attack 5 30 2 40 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Knocker MO_BALKYOUNG any 1 15 0 80 no
Knocker MO_BALKYOUNG any 1 25 0 50 no
Knocker CR_AUTOGUARD any 5 100 0 2 yes
Knocker CR_SHRINK any 5 20 0 60 yes
Knocker AC_CHARGEARROW any 5 35 0 150 yes
Knocker KN_SPEARSTAB any 5 25 0 70 yes
Knocker CR_SHIELDCHARGE any 5 25 0 70 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Lancer LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 3 25 3 50 no
Lancer LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 5 25 5 1 yes
Lancer KN_PIERCE attack 10 20 0 50 no
Lancer KN_SPEARSTAB chase 5 20 2 50 yes
Lancer KN_SPEARBOOMERANG chase 10 20 3 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO idle 2 100 2 2 yes
Leader AL_ANGELUS follow 20 100 4 2 yes
Leader AL_ANGELUS any 10 100 2 2 no
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO attack 2 30 2 30 yes
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO attack 1 30 0 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Leeker NPC_BLOODDRAIN attack 2 25 0 50 no
Leeker NPC_BLOODDRAIN attack 5 25 0 50 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 1 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 2 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 3 100 3 120 yes
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 1 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 2 50 2 40 yes
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 3 100 3 120 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Necromancer PR_TURNUNDEAD attack 10 35 2 60 no
Necromancer MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 10 25 250 1 no
Necromancer NPC_UNDEADATTACK attack 1 50 0 30 no
Necromancer NPC_CHANGEUNDEAD attack 1 25 0 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 5 25 2 50 no
Necromancer NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 10 25 2 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_SUMMONSLAVE attack 1 100 250 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_SUMMONSLAVE idle 1 100 5 150 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI angry 1 25 1 80 no
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI angry 1 25 1 80 no
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI any 5 10 250 80 yes
Ninja NJ_KASUMIKIRI chase 5 20 2 80 yes
Ninja NJ_SHADOWJUMP any 5 30 4 80 yes
Ninja NJ_KIRIKAGE any 5 30 4 80 yes
Ninja NJ_UTSUSEMI chase 5 35 2 150 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Pathfinder MO_BODYRELOCATION follow 1 100 0 10 no
Pathfinder KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN chase 5 100 250 1 yes
Pathfinder KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN attack 5 100 0 50 no
Pathfinder PF_MEMORIZE any 10 50 0 50 no
Pathfinder AL_INCAGI chase 10 40 0 50 no
Pathfinder AL_INCAGI follow 15 40 3 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Pitcher AM_DEMONSTRATION chase 10 20 2 40 yes
Pitcher CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION chase 10 50 8 50 yes
Pitcher CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION attack 1 20 1 50 yes
Pitcher AM_ACIDTERROR attack 5 20 2 50 no
Pitcher AM_ACIDTERROR attack 10 20 3 50 yes
Pitcher AM_POTIONPITCHER any 4 25 150 30 yes
Pitcher AM_POTIONPITCHER any 4 25 150 30 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Plaguer NPC_POISON attack 10 30 0 40 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 1 25 3 1 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 1 25 3 50 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 10 50 5 40 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 20 100 5 40 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Poisoner NPC_POISONATTACK attack 1 50 0 20 no
Poisoner NPC_POISON attack 5 20 0 50 no
Poisoner AS_VENOMDUST idle 5 20 2 40 no
Poisoner AS_VENOMDUST attack 5 20 2 40 no
Poisoner AS_POISONREACT idle 10 100 0 1 no
Poisoner AS_POISONREACT attack 10 20 2 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 1 25 2 40 yes
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Rampager NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 1 15 0 60 no
Rampager NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Rampager LK_CONCENTRATION any 8 100 0 2 no
Rampager LK_BERSERK any 1 100 0 2 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomizer SA_FLAMELAUNCHER any 1 20 250 150 no
Randomizer SA_FROSTWEAPON any 1 20 250 150 no
Randomizer SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER any 1 20 250 150 no
Randomizer SA_SEISMICWEAPON any 1 20 250 150 no
Randomizer NPC_RANGEATTACK any 1 30 0 20 no
Randomizer MG_FIREBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomizer MG_COLDBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomizer WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomizer MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no

Randomer Dark

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Dark NPC_DARKNESSATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Dark NPC_DARKNESSATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Dark NPC_DARKSTRIKE chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Earth

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Earth NPC_GROUNDATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Earth NPC_GROUNDATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Earth WZ_EARTHSPIKE chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Fire

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Fire NPC_FIREATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Fire NPC_FIREATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Fire MG_FIREBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Fire MG_FIREBOLT chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Fire MG_FIREBOLT chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Holy

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Holy NPC_HOLYATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Holy NPC_HOLYATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Holy AL_HOLYLIGHT chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Poison

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Poison NPC_POISONATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Poison NPC_POISONATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Poison AS_VENOMDUST idle 10 20 5 1 no
Randomer Poison AS_VENOMDUST chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Poison AS_VENOMDUST chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Water

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Water NPC_WATERATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Water NPC_WATERATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Water MG_COLDBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Water MG_COLDBOLT chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Water MG_COLDBOLT chase 5 20 5 50 yes

Randomer Wind

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Randomer Wind NPC_WINDATTACK attack 2 20 0 50 no
Randomer Wind NPC_WINDATTACK attack 3 20 3 50 yes
Randomer Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT attack 2 15 2 50 no
Randomer Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT chase 3 20 3 50 no
Randomer Wind MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT chase 5 20 5 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ranger KN_SPEARBOOMERANG follow 20 40 4 1 yes
Ranger KN_SPEARBOOMERANG chase 20 40 4 1 yes
Ranger KN_SPEARSTAB attack 5 25 0 50 no
Ranger AC_CHARGEARROW attack 1 35 2 120 yes
Ranger KN_SPEARBOOMERANG follow 10 35 0 30 no
Ranger KN_SPEARBOOMERANG chase 10 35 0 30 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ravager TF_STEAL attack 1 20 250 60 yes
Ravager NPC_PULSESTRIKE attack 5 20 0 50 no
Ravager NPC_PULSESTRIKE attack 10 100 30 2 no
Ravager NPC_PULSESTRIKE attack 15 100 30 2 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Reaper TF_STEAL attack 7 20 250 60 yes
Reaper NPC_CRITICALSLASH attack 1 20 0 40 no
Reaper NPC_CRITICALSLASH attack 2 30 150 60 yes
Reaper NPC_CRITICALSLASH attack 4 30 5 60 yes

Rex Angue Deus Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Rex Angue Deus Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Rex Angue Deus Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Rooter NPC_STOP attack 5 35 150 80 no
Rooter NPC_STOP follow 10 25 3 60 yes
Rooter NPC_STOP chase 15 25 4 60 yes
Rooter AC_CHARGEARROW attack 1 20 0 50 no
Rooter AC_CHARGEARROW any 10 30 4 150 yes
Rooter AC_CHARGEARROW any 10 20 0 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ruiner NPC_EARTHQUAKE attack 2 100 3 150 no
Ruiner NPC_EARTHQUAKE attack 1 35 2 3 no
Ruiner HW_MAGICCRASHER any 3 20 3 60 yes
Ruiner HW_MAGICCRASHER any 1 20 1 60 yes
Ruiner NJ_SYURIKEN any 10 20 0 60 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Runner TK_RUN chase 1 30 0 50 yes
Runner TK_STORMKICK any 1 50 0 0 no
Runner TK_READYTURN any 1 50 0 0 no
Runner TK_HIGHJUMP any 3 25 0 60 no
Runner TF_BACKSLIDING any 1 20 0 60 no
Runner TK_HIGHJUMP any 4 15 2 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Rusher KN_CHARGEATK follow 10 100 4 1 yes
Rusher KN_CHARGEATK chase 5 50 0 30 no
Rusher KN_CHARGEATK angry 5 50 0 30 no
Rusher KN_PIERCE attack 10 25 0 40 no
Rusher KN_PIERCE attack 20 20 4 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Saint NPC_LEX_AETERNA attack 1 20 2 50 yes
Saint AL_PNEUMA attack 1 20 2 50 yes
Saint PA_GOSPEL any 10 10 3 150 yes
Saint PA_GOSPEL any 10 20 0 0 no
Saint NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 10 50 0 50 no
Saint PR_ASPERSIO any 1 20 3 1 yes
Saint PR_ASPERSIO chase 2 20 3 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Screamer NPC_WIDESTUN attack 2 15 4 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDECONFUSE attack 2 15 4 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDECURSE attack 2 15 4 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDEBLEEDING attack 2 15 4 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDESILENCE attack 2 15 4 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDESTUN chase 4 25 10 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDECONFUSE chase 4 25 10 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDECURSE chase 4 25 10 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDEBLEEDING chase 4 25 10 1 yes
Screamer NPC_WIDESILENCE chase 4 25 10 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Seeker MG_SIGHT any 1 100 0 1 yes
Seeker NPC_WIDESIGHT any 1 50 3 1 yes
Seeker PR_LEXAETERNA follow 1 50 2 50 yes
Seeker PR_LEXAETERNA follow 10 50 3 70 yes
Seeker PR_LEXAETERNA chase 1 50 2 50 yes
Seeker PR_LEXAETERNA chase 10 50 3 70 yes

Sharper Fire

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sharper Fire NPC_FIREBREATH attack 4 40 4 60 yes
Sharper Fire NPC_FIREBREATH chase 3 60 2 40 no
Sharper Fire NPC_FIREBREATH follow 2 40 2 60 no
Sharper Fire NPC_FIREBREATH follow 6 10 10 1 no
Sharper Fire NPC_FIREBREATH any 1 20 1 1 no

Sharper Neutral

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sharper Neutral SN_SHARPSHOOTING attack 6 40 4 60 yes
Sharper Neutral SN_SHARPSHOOTING chase 4 60 2 40 no
Sharper Neutral SN_SHARPSHOOTING follow 2 40 2 60 no
Sharper Neutral SN_SHARPSHOOTING follow 10 10 10 1 no
Sharper Neutral SN_SHARPSHOOTING any 1 20 1 1 no

Sharper Poison

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sharper Poison NPC_ACIDBREATH attack 4 40 4 60 yes
Sharper Poison NPC_ACIDBREATH chase 3 60 2 40 no
Sharper Poison NPC_ACIDBREATH follow 2 40 2 60 no
Sharper Poison NPC_ACIDBREATH follow 6 10 10 1 no
Sharper Poison NPC_ACIDBREATH any 1 20 1 1 no

Sharper Water

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sharper Water NPC_ICEBREATH attack 4 40 4 60 yes
Sharper Water NPC_ICEBREATH chase 3 60 2 40 no
Sharper Water NPC_ICEBREATH follow 2 40 2 60 no
Sharper Water NPC_ICEBREATH follow 6 10 10 1 no
Sharper Water NPC_ICEBREATH any 1 20 1 1 no

Sharper Wind

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sharper Wind NPC_THUNDERBREATH attack 4 40 4 60 yes
Sharper Wind NPC_THUNDERBREATH chase 3 60 2 40 no
Sharper Wind NPC_THUNDERBREATH follow 2 40 2 60 no
Sharper Wind NPC_THUNDERBREATH follow 6 10 10 1 no
Sharper Wind NPC_THUNDERBREATH any 1 20 1 1 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Shooter TF_STEAL attack 5 20 250 60 yes
Shooter AC_DOUBLE attack 5 25 2 50 yes
Shooter AC_DOUBLE attack 1 40 0 15 no
Shooter AC_DOUBLE attack 10 30 0 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Shugenja NJ_BAKUENRYU chase 7 10 5 70 yes
Shugenja NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU any 5 10 5 70 yes
Shugenja NJ_RAIGEKISAI any 5 10 5 70 yes
Shugenja NJ_RAIGEKISAI attack 1 20 1 60 yes
Shugenja NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU attack 5 20 1 60 yes
Shugenja NJ_KOUENKA attack 2 20 2 60 no
Shugenja NJ_HYOUSENSOU attack 2 20 2 60 no
Shugenja NJ_HUUJIN attack 2 20 2 60 no
Shugenja NJ_BUNSINJYUTSU chase 10 35 4 2 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Silencer NPC_SILENCEATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Silencer NPC_SILENCEATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Silencer NPC_SILENCEATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Silencer NPC_WIDESILENCE attack 2 25 4 1 no
Silencer NPC_WIDESILENCE chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sinner NPC_CRITICALSLASH any 1 10 0 80 no
Sinner NPC_CRITICALSLASH any 2 25 2 60 yes
Sinner NPC_CRITICALSLASH any 1 30 0 50 no
Sinner NPC_INVISIBLE chase 1 50 2 1 yes
Sinner NPC_INVISIBLE attack 1 35 0 1 no
Sinner NPC_DARKBLESSING any 1 25 5 80 no
Sinner NPC_WIDEHELLDIGNITY any 1 35 10 120 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Slasher ST_REJECTSWORD any 10 100 5 150 yes
Slasher LK_AURABLADE any 50 100 0 3 yes
Slasher NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 2 15 0 80 yes
Slasher LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 1 20 4 80 no
Slasher LK_SPIRALPIERCE chase 3 20 8 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sleeper NPC_SLEEPATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Sleeper NPC_SLEEPATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Sleeper NPC_SLEEPATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Sleeper NPC_WIDESLEEP attack 2 25 4 1 no
Sleeper NPC_WIDESLEEP chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Slinger GS_BULLSEYE any 4 20 2 80 yes
Slinger GS_MAGICALBULLET chase 5 20 2 80 yes
Slinger GS_DESPERADO any 10 10 20 120 no
Slinger GS_DESPERADO any 5 30 5 60 no
Slinger GS_DUST attack 10 25 2 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Slower AL_DECAGI attack 10 20 0 50 no
Slower NPC_SLOWCAST attack 2 40 2 50 no
Slower AL_DECAGI chase 10 100 2 50 yes
Slower NPC_SLOWCAST chase 5 40 4 50 yes
Slower AL_DECAGI attack 30 20 3 1 yes
Slower NPC_SLOWCAST attack 5 20 3 1 yes
Slower WZ_QUAGMIRE chase 5 20 2 80 no
Slower WZ_QUAGMIRE attack 5 20 2 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Smasher SM_MAGNUM attack 10 50 0 30 no
Smasher SM_MAGNUM attack 20 50 2 30 yes
Smasher KN_BOWLINGBASH attack 5 50 0 40 no
Smasher KN_BOWLINGBASH attack 10 50 2 40 yes
Smasher KN_BRANDISH attack 5 50 4 40 no
Smasher KN_BRANDISH attack 10 50 2 40 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sniper AC_DOUBLE attack 40 100 12 40 yes
Sniper AC_DOUBLE attack 20 50 4 20 yes
Sniper AC_DOUBLE attack 20 50 0 10 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Soldier SM_BASH attack 10 20 0 50 no
Soldier SM_BASH attack 20 20 2 50 yes
Soldier SM_BASH attack 15 30 2 50 yes
Soldier SM_BASH attack 20 10 4 50 no
Soldier SM_BASH attack 15 15 4 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Sorcerer TF_STEAL attack 8 20 250 60 yes
Sorcerer NPC_MAGICMIRROR follow 3 50 3 2 yes
Sorcerer NPC_MAGICMIRROR chase 5 100 4 2 yes
Sorcerer NPC_MAGICMIRROR idle 1 100 0 2 no
Sorcerer NPC_MAGICMIRROR attack 2 30 2 2 yes
Sorcerer NPC_ANTIMAGIC idle 1 100 0 2 no
Sorcerer SA_SPELLBREAKER attack 5 100 0 40 no
Sorcerer HW_GANBANTEIN attack 1 30 2 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Specter NPC_BLINDATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no
Specter NPC_SILENCEATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no
Specter NPC_CURSEATTACK attack 3 25 0 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Spider PF_SPIDERWEB attack 1 15 3 50 no
Spider PF_SPIDERWEB chase 1 20 2 50 yes
Spider PF_SPIDERWEB any 1 20 2 50 yes
Spider NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 5 30 0 50 no
Spider NPC_BLOODDRAIN any 1 30 0 40 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Splasher NPC_SPLASHATTACK attack 4 30 0 40 no
Splasher NPC_SPLASHATTACK attack 6 40 0 40 no
Splasher NPC_SPLASHATTACK attack 8 40 0 40 no
Splasher NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT attack 2 30 0 50 no
Splasher NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT chase 1 30 0 50 no
Splasher NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT attack 3 30 2 1 yes
Splasher NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT any 5 30 3 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Stabber NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 3 40 0 40 no
Stabber NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 8 20 0 60 no
Stabber NPC_COMBOATTACK attack 10 10 0 80 no
Stabber MO_BALKYOUNG attack 1 20 0 60 no
Stabber MO_CHAINCOMBO attack 5 20 2 120 yes
Stabber MO_COMBOFINISH attack 10 100 6 120 no
Stabber MO_EXTREMITYFIST attack 1 100 12 120 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Stoner NPC_PETRIFYATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Stoner NPC_PETRIFYATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Stoner NPC_PETRIFYATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Stoner NPC_WIDESTONE attack 2 25 4 1 no
Stoner NPC_WIDESTONE chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Straffer AC_DOUBLE follow 10 40 0 10 no
Straffer AC_DOUBLE chase 10 40 0 10 no
Straffer AC_DOUBLE attack 5 50 0 0 no
Straffer TF_BACKSLIDING attack 1 50 0 10 no

Striker Dark

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Dark NPC_DARKNESSATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Dark NPC_DARKNESSATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Dark NPC_DARKNESSATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Earth

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Earth NPC_GROUNDATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Earth NPC_GROUNDATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Earth NPC_GROUNDATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Fire

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Fire NPC_FIREATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Fire NPC_FIREATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Fire NPC_FIREATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Ghost

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Ghost NPC_TELEKINESISATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Ghost NPC_TELEKINESISATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Ghost NPC_TELEKINESISATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Holy

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Holy NPC_HOLYATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Holy NPC_HOLYATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Holy NPC_HOLYATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Poison

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Poison NPC_POISONATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Poison NPC_POISONATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Poison NPC_POISONATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Undead

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Undead NPC_UNDEADATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Undead NPC_UNDEADATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Undead NPC_UNDEADATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Water

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Water NPC_WATERATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Water NPC_WATERATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Water NPC_WATERATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes

Striker Wind

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striker Wind NPC_WINDATTACK attack 1 50 0 0 no
Striker Wind NPC_WINDATTACK attack 5 40 0 50 no
Striker Wind NPC_WINDATTACK attack 10 30 2 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Striper ST_FULLSTRIP attack 10 50 4 50 yes
Striper RG_STRIPWEAPON attack 5 30 3 50 no
Striper RG_STRIPARMOR attack 5 30 3 50 no
Striper RG_STRIPSHIELD attack 5 30 3 50 no
Striper RG_STRIPHELM attack 5 30 3 50 no
Striper RG_INTIMIDATE attack 9 25 250 50 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Stunner NPC_STUNATTACK attack 2 20 0 40 no
Stunner NPC_STUNATTACK attack 7 25 2 1 yes
Stunner NPC_STUNATTACK follow 5 25 4 1 yes
Stunner NPC_WIDESTUN attack 2 25 4 1 no
Stunner NPC_WIDESTUN chase 3 25 4 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes
Summoner NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 3 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Tanker SM_ENDURE idle 20 100 0 3 no
Tanker SM_ENDURE chase 10 50 4 1 yes
Tanker SM_ENDURE attack 5 50 0 50 no
Tanker SM_ENDURE chase 5 50 0 30 no
Tanker LK_PARRYING attack 5 30 0 1 no
Tanker LK_PARRYING attack 10 20 4 50 yes
Tanker NPC_DEFENDER chase 2 25 0 1 no

Terra Tellure Rupta Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Terra Tellure Rupta Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Terra Tellure Rupta Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes

Tenebris Prius Omen Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Tenebris Prius Omen Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Tenebris Prius Omen Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Timer AL_DECAGI any 1 30 2 50 yes
Timer AL_DECAGI any 1 30 3 70 no
Timer AL_DECAGI any 30 30 4 1 yes
Timer AL_DECAGI any 30 30 4 1 yes
Timer AL_INCAGI any 1 30 2 50 yes
Timer AL_INCAGI any 1 30 2 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Tracker GS_TRACKING follow 10 40 8 30 yes
Tracker GS_TRACKING chase 10 40 8 30 yes
Tracker GS_TRACKING attack 10 40 8 30 yes
Tracker AC_CHARGEARROW attack 10 20 4 120 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Trapster HT_ANKLESNARE idle 3 20 10 6 yes
Trapster HT_CLAYMORETRAP idle 10 20 10 6 yes
Trapster HT_LANDMINE idle 10 20 10 6 yes
Trapster HT_BLASTMINE idle 10 20 10 6 yes
Trapster HT_ANKLESNARE attack 2 20 2 60 yes
Trapster HT_CLAYMORETRAP attack 5 15 2 60 yes
Trapster HT_LANDMINE attack 5 15 2 60 yes
Trapster HT_BLASTMINE attack 5 15 2 60 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Vampier NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN any 1 10 2 1 no
Vampier NPC_BLOODDRAIN any 3 20 0 50 no
Vampier NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 3 20 2 50 no
Vampier NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 0 50 no
Vampier NPC_BLOODDRAIN any 6 25 2 1 yes
Vampier NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 6 25 4 1 yes
Vampier NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT any 1 35 3 150 no
Vampier NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT any 10 35 30 2 no

Venenum Abominabilis Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Venenum Abominabilis Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Venenum Abominabilis Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes

Ventus Caelestem Spiritum Draconis

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ventus Caelestem Spiritum Draconis NPC_SUMMONMONSTER attack 1 20 5 1 no
Ventus Caelestem Spiritum Draconis NPC_SUMMONSLAVE any 1 100 0 3 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Warlock WZ_STORMGUST attack 4 20 3 40 no
Warlock WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 4 20 3 40 no
Warlock WZ_METEOR attack 4 20 3 40 no
Warlock WZ_VERMILION attack 4 20 3 40 no
Warlock WZ_STORMGUST attack 2 25 2 80 yes
Warlock WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 2 25 2 80 yes
Warlock WZ_METEOR attack 2 25 2 80 yes
Warlock WZ_VERMILION attack 2 25 2 80 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Watcher PR_KYRIE any 5 40 2 30 yes
Watcher PR_KYRIE any 10 40 4 50 yes
Watcher CR_DEVOTION any 2 25 5 1 yes
Watcher SL_KAAHI any 2 20 3 80 yes
Watcher LK_PARRYING idle 1 100 0 2 no
Watcher LK_PARRYING any 5 30 5 2 yes
Watcher GS_DUST any 1 20 0 80 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Weter WZ_WATERBALL any 5 30 2 50 yes
Weter WZ_WATERBALL any 2 10 3 40 yes
Weter NJ_SUITON any 10 10 4 2 yes
Weter NJ_SUITON any 3 10 250 1 yes
Weter HT_FREEZINGTRAP idle 5 15 2 50 yes
Weter HT_FREEZINGTRAP any 2 15 2 50 yes
Weter SA_DELUGE any 1 20 2 1 yes

Wider Dark

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wider Dark NPC_EVILLAND idle 6 25 5 1 yes
Wider Dark NPC_EVILLAND any 3 25 250 1 no
Wider Dark NPC_DARKBREATH attack 1 10 1 40 no
Wider Dark NPC_DARKBREATH attack 2 20 2 50 no
Wider Dark NPC_DARKBREATH attack 4 10 2 70 yes
Wider Dark NPC_DARKCROSS attack 8 20 2 70 no
Wider Dark NPC_DARKCROSS attack 12 20 3 70 yes

Wilder Caster

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Caster WZ_STORMGUST attack 6 20 3 80 no
Wilder Caster WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 6 20 3 80 no
Wilder Caster WZ_METEOR attack 6 20 3 80 no
Wilder Caster WZ_VERMILION attack 6 20 3 80 no
Wilder Caster WZ_STORMGUST attack 10 25 2 1 yes
Wilder Caster WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 10 25 2 1 yes
Wilder Caster WZ_METEOR attack 10 25 2 1 yes
Wilder Caster WZ_VERMILION attack 10 25 2 1 yes

Wilder Dark

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Dark NPC_CHANGEDARKNESS follow 1 100 4 3 yes
Wilder Dark NPC_CHANGEDARKNESS any 1 30 4 3 no
Wilder Dark NPC_GRANDDARKNESS attack 15 20 6 1 no
Wilder Dark NPC_GRANDDARKNESS attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Dark NPC_GRANDDARKNESS attack 10 40 2 80 yes

Wilder Earth

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE attack 10 35 2 80 yes
Wilder Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE chase 6 35 4 60 no
Wilder Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE follow 4 25 4 80 no
Wilder Earth WZ_HEAVENDRIVE idle 2 30 6 40 no

Wilder Fire

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Fire WZ_METEOR attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Fire WZ_METEOR attack 10 35 2 80 yes
Wilder Fire WZ_METEOR chase 6 35 4 60 no
Wilder Fire WZ_METEOR follow 4 25 4 80 no
Wilder Fire WZ_METEOR idle 2 30 6 40 no
Wilder Fire NPC_CHANGEEARTH follow 1 30 6 40 no
Wilder Fire NPC_CHANGEEARTH always 1 30 6 40 no

Wilder Holy

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Holy NPC_CHANGEHOLY follow 1 100 4 3 yes
Wilder Holy NPC_CHANGEHOLY any 1 30 4 3 no
Wilder Holy CR_GRANDCROSS attack 15 20 6 1 no
Wilder Holy CR_GRANDCROSS attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Holy CR_GRANDCROSS attack 10 40 2 80 yes

Wilder Water

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Water WZ_STORMGUST attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Water WZ_STORMGUST attack 10 35 2 80 yes
Wilder Water WZ_STORMGUST chase 6 35 4 60 no
Wilder Water WZ_STORMGUST follow 4 25 4 80 no
Wilder Water WZ_STORMGUST idle 2 30 6 40 no

Wilder Wind

Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wilder Wind WZ_VERMILION attack 5 30 2 60 no
Wilder Wind WZ_VERMILION attack 10 35 2 80 yes
Wilder Wind WZ_VERMILION chase 6 35 4 60 no
Wilder Wind WZ_VERMILION follow 4 25 4 80 no
Wilder Wind WZ_VERMILION idle 2 30 6 40 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Winder NJ_KAMAITACHI any 5 30 2 50 yes
Winder NJ_KAMAITACHI any 1 10 1 40 yes
Winder HT_SHOCKWAVE idle 5 15 2 50 yes
Winder HT_SHOCKWAVE any 1 15 2 50 yes
Winder HT_SKIDTRAP idle 5 15 2 50 yes
Winder HT_SKIDTRAP any 1 15 2 50 yes
Winder SA_VIOLENTGALE any 1 20 2 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Witcher NPC_DRAGONFEAR attack 1 25 0 40 no
Witcher NPC_DRAGONFEAR attack 2 30 2 80 yes
Witcher NPC_DARKBREATH any 2 30 0 40 no
Witcher NPC_DARKBREATH any 5 30 0 60 no
Witcher NPC_DARKTHUNDER attack 1 20 2 60 no
Witcher NPC_DARKTHUNDER attack 6 30 2 80 no
Witcher NPC_DARKBLESSING any 5 25 5 80 no
Witcher NPC_DARKBLESSING any 5 25 5 80 no
Witcher NPC_DARKBLESSING any 5 25 5 80 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Wounder NPC_CRITICALWOUND attack 3 60 0 50 no
Wounder NPC_CRITICALWOUND attack 5 30 0.3 1 yes
Wounder NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 40 2 1 no
Wounder NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 40 2 1 yes
Wounder NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 20 0 50 yes