


  • Invasions are Special Events that occur randomly !

→ Some towns will be invaded by a lot of monsters, you will have to kill them to free the town and be victorious !

How it works ?

Everyone can help to combat invasions ! There is no restriction of class, level or any other factor that can restrain players to take part.

→ Take note that you can talk with everyone on the map by using the command @i.

  • At the beginning, these phases are slow, then the spawn rate is amplified more and more.
    • In addition, invasions are classified in four different categories : Easy / Medium / Hard / Very Hard.

  Players will be facing a series of phases.
Actions requiered
Phase 1
  • Kill Monsters.
Phase 2
  • Save citizens and bring them to the Valkyrie.
Phase 3
  • Save even more citizens and bring them to the Valkyrie.
Phase 4
  • [Nihil's Roots] are manifesting, you need to defeat them in order to win.
Phase 5
  • Even more [Nihil's Roots] are manifesting, you need to defeat them in order to win.
Phase 6
  • Kill the MvP.


Upon completion, you will earn PvE Standing that you can exchange at Midgard's Castle to the NPC called Kwaii.

For more informations, please click on the link below :