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Mystic Project 5 |   Divine Ascension Ragnarok Online

Database Monsters :

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Found a total of 1885 record(s) across 95 page(s). Displaying result(s) 181-200.

Monster ID kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP ▼ Card ID Custom
27069 Cryomancer Cryomancer 103 100,080 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 1) 1,259,175 1,259,175 10169 Yes
1399 MVP! Baphomet Baphomet 68 1,264,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv 3) 3,926,250 1,255,275 None No
27104 Soulless Soulless 104 129,792 Medium Formless Ghost (Lv 2) 1,240,200 1,240,200 10204 Yes
27079 Bastion Assassin Bastion Assassin 97 135,351 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 1,214,925 1,214,925 10179 Yes
27080 Bastion Knight Bastion Knight 97 186,108 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 2) 1,214,925 1,214,925 10180 Yes
27125 Dark Argos Dark Argos 104 173,056 Medium Insect Dark (Lv 2) 1,201,200 1,201,200 10225 Yes
27105 Hopeless Hopeless 102 116,020 Small Formless Ghost (Lv 2) 1,201,050 1,201,050 10205 Yes
1920 Incarnation of Morocc Incarnation of Morocc 96 143,000 Medium Demon Undead (Lv 3) 750,000 1,200,000 None No
27128 Horus Horus 100 196,000 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 3) 1,200,000 1,200,000 10228 Yes
27129 Poltergeist Poltergeist 98 115,429 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 3) 1,198,050 1,198,050 10229 Yes
27044 Ancient Golem Ancient Golem 96 181,440 Large Formless Earth (Lv 3) 1,195,200 1,195,200 10144 Yes
2068 MVP! Boitata Boitata 93 1,283,990 Large Formless Fire (Lv 3) 1,114,320 1,169,250 27126 No
27081 Bastion Archer Bastion Archer 97 82,868 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 1,142,175 1,142,175 10181 Yes
27045 Nymph Nymph 95 126,350 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 3) 1,140,000 1,140,000 10145 Yes
27155 Killer Killer 96 122,441 Large Insect Poison (Lv 2) 1,123,200 1,123,200 10255 Yes
27014 Moonfire Moonfire 96 120,960 Medium Demon Fire (Lv 3) 1,123,200 1,123,200 10114 Yes
27153 Eye of Gold Eye of Gold 92 113,035 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 1,117,800 1,117,800 10253 Yes
27133 Plague Rat Plague Rat 88 56,360 Small Brute Poison (Lv 2) 1,108,800 1,108,800 10233 Yes
27015 Ablaze Mistress Ablaze Mistress 95 117,717 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 3) 1,104,375 1,104,375 10115 Yes
27035 observer Observer 95 153,817 Medium Angel Wind (Lv 3) 1,104,375 1,104,375 10135 Yes
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