Elite Monsters "L~P"



To complete the Elite Monsters System, you can see all behaviour of some Classes of Elite Monsters down below.

By associating two or more classes, you can see all added skill to each monster !

  • For a lighter reading, we decided to organize them with an alphabetical order.
    • However, if you want to check all Classes on the same page, click here

On this page, you will find the "L~P" section !

"L to P" Class of Elite Monsters

Only "L~P" Class of Elite Monsters


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Lancer LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 3 25 3 50 no
Lancer LK_SPIRALPIERCE attack 5 25 5 1 yes
Lancer KN_PIERCE attack 10 20 0 50 no
Lancer KN_SPEARSTAB chase 5 20 2 50 yes
Lancer KN_SPEARBOOMERANG chase 10 20 3 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO idle 2 100 2 2 yes
Leader AL_ANGELUS follow 20 100 4 2 yes
Leader AL_ANGELUS any 10 100 2 2 no
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO attack 2 30 2 30 yes
Leader HP_ASSUMPTIO attack 1 30 0 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Leeker NPC_BLOODDRAIN attack 2 25 0 50 no
Leeker NPC_BLOODDRAIN attack 5 25 0 50 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 1 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 2 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT attack 3 100 3 120 yes
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 1 50 2 40 no
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 2 50 2 40 yes
Leeker NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT chase 3 100 3 120 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Necromancer PR_TURNUNDEAD attack 10 35 2 60 no
Necromancer MG_SOULSTRIKE attack 10 25 250 1 no
Necromancer NPC_UNDEADATTACK attack 1 50 0 30 no
Necromancer NPC_CHANGEUNDEAD attack 1 25 0 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 5 25 2 50 no
Necromancer NPC_ENERGYDRAIN any 10 25 2 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_SUMMONSLAVE attack 1 100 250 50 yes
Necromancer NPC_SUMMONSLAVE idle 1 100 5 150 no


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI angry 1 25 1 80 no
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI angry 1 25 1 80 no
Ninja NJ_TATAMIGAESHI any 5 10 250 80 yes
Ninja NJ_KASUMIKIRI chase 5 20 2 80 yes
Ninja NJ_SHADOWJUMP any 5 30 4 80 yes
Ninja NJ_KIRIKAGE any 5 30 4 80 yes
Ninja NJ_UTSUSEMI chase 5 35 2 150 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Pathfinder MO_BODYRELOCATION follow 1 100 0 10 no
Pathfinder KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN chase 5 100 250 1 yes
Pathfinder KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN attack 5 100 0 50 no
Pathfinder PF_MEMORIZE any 10 50 0 50 no
Pathfinder AL_INCAGI chase 10 40 0 50 no
Pathfinder AL_INCAGI follow 15 40 3 50 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Pitcher AM_DEMONSTRATION chase 10 20 2 40 yes
Pitcher CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION chase 10 50 8 50 yes
Pitcher CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION attack 1 20 1 50 yes
Pitcher AM_ACIDTERROR attack 5 20 2 50 no
Pitcher AM_ACIDTERROR attack 10 20 3 50 yes
Pitcher AM_POTIONPITCHER any 4 25 150 30 yes
Pitcher AM_POTIONPITCHER any 4 25 150 30 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Plaguer NPC_POISON attack 10 30 0 40 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 1 25 3 1 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 1 25 3 50 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 10 50 5 40 no
Plaguer AS_SPLASHER attack 20 100 5 40 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Poisoner NPC_POISONATTACK attack 1 50 0 20 no
Poisoner NPC_POISON attack 5 20 0 50 no
Poisoner AS_VENOMDUST idle 5 20 2 40 no
Poisoner AS_VENOMDUST attack 5 20 2 40 no
Poisoner AS_POISONREACT idle 10 100 0 1 no
Poisoner AS_POISONREACT attack 10 20 2 1 yes


Monster Classes
Class Skill Type Skill Lv Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 1 25 2 40 yes
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 3 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 2 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no
Punisher NPC_PIERCINGATT attack 4 30 2 40 no