Common & Uncommon Status

Revision as of 16:29, 20 April 2022 by Kaly (talk | contribs)


  • While you are playing on the server, you may see some particular effects on "Common Status".

"Uncommon Status" are another category that are affected by different items or kugans for example.

Common Status list


       case SC_SLOW:
       case SC_CHILL:
       case SC_FEVER:
       case SC_FEEBLE:
       case SC_OATH:
       case SC_WEAK:
       case SC_BRAKE:
       case SC_CRACK:

Uncommon Status list

-> (M5S00002) Joint Beat : Chance are now 50+STR%, partially resisted by opponent's STR, may be used with any kind of weapons

           -> BREAK_ANKLE = SPEED reduced by 50%
           -> BREAK_WRIST = ASPD reduced by 33%
           -> BREAK_KNEE = SPEED and FLEE reduced by 33%
           -> BREAK_SHOULDER = DEF/MDEF reduce by 15
           -> BREAK_WAIST = HIT/CRI/ATK/MATK reduced by 33%
           -> BREAK_NECK = DEF/MDEF reduced by 30% (no bleed, no double damage)
           - SC_BUFF_HEAL / SC_DEBUFF_HEAL : Increase/decrease by x heal (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value) (affect heal recieved/given (HP or SP) but do not stack if user and targets both have this boost, only val1 affect item heal)
           - SC_BUFF_ATK / SC_DEBUFF_ATK : Increase/decrease by x atk (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_MATK / SC_DEBUFF_MATK : Increase/decrease by x (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_SATK / SC_DEBUFF_SATK : Increase/decrease by x special damage (val1 for x%)
           - SC_BUFF_DEF / SC_DEBUFF_DEF : Increase/decrease by x def (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_MDEF / SC_DEBUFF_MDEF : Increase/decrease by x mdef (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_HIT / SC_DEBUFF_HIT : Increase/decrease by x hit (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_FLEE / SC_DEBUFF_FLEE : Increase/decrease by x flee (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_WALK / SC_DEBUFF_WALK : Increase/decrease by x walk speed (val1 for x%)
           - SC_BUFF_CAST / SC_DEBUFF_CAST : Increase/decrease by x cast speed (val1 for x%)
           - SC_BUFF_ASPD / SC_DEBUFF_ASPD : Increase/decrease by x aspd speed (val1 for x%)
           - SC_BUFF_ASD / SC_DEBUFF_ASD : Increase/decrease by x after skill delay rate (val1 for x%) (works on mob delay if M5G00011 is enabled)
           - SC_BUFF_HP / SC_DEBUFF_HP: Increase/decrease by x maximum HP (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_SP / SC_DEBUFF_SP : Increase/decrease by x maximum SP (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_CRI / SC_DEBUFF_CRI : Increase/decrease by x critical (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_DCRI / SC_DEBUFF_DCRI : Increase/decrease by x damage done by critical (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_PCRI / SC_DEBUFF_PCRI : Increase/decrease by x critical defense (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_PFLEE / SC_DEBUFF_PFLEE : Increase/decrease by x perfect flee (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_PHIT / SC_DEBUFF_PHIT : Increase/decrease by x perfect hit (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_STR / SC_DEBUFF_STR : Increase/decrease by x the attribute (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value) (same with DEX, etc)
           - SC_BUFF_STATUS / SC_DEBUFF_STATUS : Increase/decrease by x status rate and duration applied to others (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value (in seconds for duration))
           - SC_BUFF_DSTATUS / SC_DEBUFF_DSTATUS : Reduce/increase by x status rate and duration applied to self (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value (in seconds for duration))
           - SC_BUFF_DAMAGE / SC_DEBUFF_DAMAGE : Increase/decrease by x all kind of damage done (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value) (val3 : 0 for any, 1 for physical melee only, 2 for physical ranged only)
           - SC_BUFF_RESISTANCE / SC_DEBUFF_RESISTANCE : Reduce/increase by x all kind of damage recieved (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
           - SC_BUFF_IGNORE / SC_DEBUFF_IGNORE : Increase/decrease by x ignore defenses (def or mdef) values (val1 for x%, val2 for fix value)
       - Slow (SC_SLOW) : SPD, ASPD, FLEE, HIT reduced by 20%, CAST and ASD augmented by 50%, cured by Cure, dismiss by Fast, considered has common status, resistance attribut is MDEF
       - Fast (SC_FAST) : SPD, ASPD, FLEE, HIT augmented by 20%, CAST and ASD reduced by 50%, dismiss by Slow
       - Chill (SC_CHILL) : SPD, ASPD, FLEE, HIT reduced by 10%, CAST and ASD augmented by 25%, DEF and MDEF reduce by 15%, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is MDEF
       - Fever (SC_FEVER) : All damage received augmented by 25%, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is MDEF
       - Feeble (SC_FEEBLE) : All damage inflicted reduce by 25%, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is MDEF
       - Weak (SC_WEAK) : Critical rate reduce by 10 and 33%, Critical rate recieved augmented by 10 and 33%, hit recovery speed penalized by 33%, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is DEF
       - Brake (SC_BRAKE) : CAST and ASD doubled, ASPD reduce by 50%, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is DEF
       - Crack (SC_CRACK) : DEF/MDEF reduce by a third, DEF2/MDEF2 reduce by half, cured by Cure, considered has common status, resistance attribut is DEF
       - Oath (SC_OATH) : Increase chance to recieve a status effect by 50%, reduce PFLEE to 0, cured by Blessing, considered has common status, resistance attribut is MDEF
       - Venom (SC_VENOM) (M5G00001 required) : DOT damages (just like poison etc), cured by Detoxify, considered has common status, resistance attribut is VIT
           -> Venom is based on LUK has OFFSTAT and VIT has DEFSTAT, VIT of the target can prevent this common status
       - Others (SC_INC_MAXHP, SC_SUB_MAXHP, SC_INC_MAXSP, SC_SUB_MAXSP) : Those effects gives bonus or malus to maximum HP or SP
       - On a general note : SPD (speed) from those status adjustements are cumulative with other form of speed buff or debuff

-> Brave (SC_BRAVE) : Resistance to status increase by half, SP recovery (0,5 %) every seconds, maximum SP increased by 25% -> Recovery (SC_RECOVERY) : Duration of status reduce by half, HP recovery (0,5 %) every seconds, maximum HP increased by 25% -> Swift (SC_SWIFT) : Gives 30% to only get a scratch (1 damage) from an attack (no matter the type) -> Fortitude (SC_FORTITUDE) : Gives 50% chance to resist knockback or cancel, halved knockback distance, increase by 33% heal/potion recieved and hit recovery speed -> Rejuvenation (SC_REJUVENATION) : SP recovery (based on source attributes) every seconds