
Revision as of 14:58, 24 October 2021 by Kaly (talk | contribs) (→‎Lvl 10 Mines)


Activities are abilities relating to specific tasks in which a character can progress as they practice. These activities are diverse and the benefits they offer too.

You will need zenys in order to Skill up your Activity Skill to the NPC, but you will also need to invest time and effort by taking down mines you can find on fields & dungeons.

These activities are account bound, meaning if you take part to the Mining Activity with your first character, the second one on the same account will be able to farm mines too, with the same progression line regarding the experience earned.

  You are not limited to one activity, you can be a miner, a fisher & a brewer at the same time !
  • You can use some commands to get more informations about your progression :
    • @fishing
    • @cooking
    • @learning
    • @brewing
    • @mining
    • @hunting

Activity Experience Table

EXP required Requirements
Lvl 0~1 None 50 000 zenys
Lvl 1~2 1 000 XP 50 000 zenys
Lvl 2~3 4 000 XP 100 000 zenys
Lvl 3~4 9 000 XP 500 000 zenys
Lvl 4~5 16 000 XP 850 000 zenys
Lvl 5~6 25 000 XP 1 300 000 zenys
Lvl 6~7 36 000 XP 1 850 000 zenys
Lvl 7~8 49 000 XP 2 500 000 zenys
Lvl 8~9 64 000 XP 3 250 000 zenys
Lvl 9~10 81 000 XP 4 100 000 zenys

Tool refiner pour refine l'accessoire, +10 max

NPC qui te propose de le refine coût pour le refine : .@cost = .@new_refine * .@new_refine * 50000; Accessoire lié à l'activité

Items requis pour refine l'accessoire :

// 2/4/6/8/10/0/0/0/0/0 Phracon(s), 0/0/0/0/0/6/8/10/12/14 Emveretarcon(s)

   .@recipe[1] = .@new_refine <= 5 ? 1010 : 1011;
   .@recipe[2] = .@new_refine <= 5 ? .@new_refine * 2 : (.@new_refine - 3) * 2;
   // 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 Iron(s)
   .@recipe[3] = 998;
   .@recipe[4] = .@new_refine;

// Special Materials

   switch(.@new_refine) {
       case 1: .@recipe[5] = 7041; .@recipe[6] = 40; break; // Fine Grit (7041)
       case 2: .@recipe[5] = 1056; .@recipe[6] = 20; break; // Grit (1056)
       case 3: .@recipe[5] = 7054; .@recipe[6] = 20; break; // Brigan (7054)
       case 4: .@recipe[5] = 7758; .@recipe[6] = 20; break; // Star Crystal (7758)
       case 5: .@recipe[5] = 7232; .@recipe[6] = 20; break; // Silver Ore (7232)
       case 6: .@recipe[5] = 969; .@recipe[6] = 2; break; // Gold (969)
       case 7: .@recipe[5] = 724; .@recipe[6] = 2; break; // Cursed Ruby (724)
       case 8: .@recipe[5] = 25271; .@recipe[6] = 5; break; // Illusion Stone (25271)
       case 9: .@recipe[5] = 25271; .@recipe[6] = 10; break; // Illusion Stone (25271)
       case 10: 
           .@recipe[5] = 25271; .@recipe[6] = 15;
           .@recipe[7] = 6024; .@recipe[8] = 2;
           break; // 17 Carat Diamond (6024)

maitrise = SKILLLV x SKILLLV + 5 * refine acc

XP capée : XP par mine pétée = Niveau d'activité x 50 Niveau d'activité = Niveau de compétence ou niveau de la mine, le plus petit des deux


Fishing.png Fishing

Cooking.png Cooking

Learning.png Learning

Brewing.png Brewing

Mining.png Mining

Lvl 1 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
1 Coal Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Coal
  • Blue Gemstone
  • Fine Grit
  • Coal
  • Stone Fragment
  • Blue Gemstone
  • Shining Stone
  • Fine Grit
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
1 Stone Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Stone Fragment
  • Shining Stone
  • Fine Grit
  • Coal
  • Stone Fragment
  • Blue Gemstone
  • Shining Stone
  • Fine Grit

Lvl 2 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
2 Iron Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Iron
  • Iron Ore
  • Yellow Gemstone
  • Iron
  • Iron Ore
  • Phracon
  • Yellow Gemstone
  • Cracked Diamond
  • Grit
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
2 Pracon Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Phracon
  • Cracked Diamond
  • Grit
  • Iron
  • Iron Ore
  • Phracon
  • Yellow Gemstone
  • Cracked Diamond
  • Grit

Lvl 3 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
3 Elemental Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Red Blood
  • Crystal Blue
  • Wind of Verdure
  • Green Live
  • Steel
  • Red Blood
  • Crystal Blue
  • Wind of Verdure
  • Green Live
  • Steel
  • Emveretarcon
  • Red Gemstone
  • 1Carat Diamond
  • Brigan
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
3 Emvertacon Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Emveretarcon
  • 1Carat Diamond
  • Red Blood
  • Crystal Blue
  • Wind of Verdure
  • Green Live
  • Steel
  • Emveretarcon
  • Red Gemstone
  • 1Carat Diamond
  • Brigan
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
3 Brigan Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Red Gemstone
  • Brigan
  • Red Blood
  • Crystal Blue
  • Wind of Verdure
  • Green Live
  • Steel
  • Emveretarcon
  • Red Gemstone
  • 1Carat Diamond
  • Brigan

Lvl 4 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
4 Ruby Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Ruby
  • Garnet
  • Sardonyx
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sardonyx
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Topaz
  • Zircon
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Sand
  • Star Crystal
  • Peridot
  • Citrin
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
4 Sapphire Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Sapphire
  • Aquamarine
  • Amethyst
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sardonyx
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Topaz
  • Zircon
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Sand
  • Star Crystal
  • Peridot
  • Citrin
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
4 Emerald Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Emerald
  • Zircon
  • Peridot
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sardonyx
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Topaz
  • Zircon
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Sand
  • Star Crystal
  • Peridot
  • Citrin
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
4 Topaz Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Topaz
  • Opal
  • Pearl
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sardonyx
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Topaz
  • Zircon
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Sand
  • Star Crystal
  • Peridot
  • Citrin
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
4 Star Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Dust
  • Star Crystal
  • Citrin
  • Garnet
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Emerald
  • Pearl
  • Ruby
  • Sardonyx
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Topaz
  • Zircon
  • Star Crumb
  • Star Sand
  • Star Crystal
  • Peridot
  • Citrin

Lvl 5 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
5 Mystic Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
5 Crystal Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
5 Silver Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
5 Shining Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar
  • Flame Heart
  • Mystic Frozen
  • Rough Wind
  • Great Nature
  • Crystal Fragment
  • 2Carat Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Cyfar

Lvl 6 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
6 Oridecon Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Rough Oridecon
  • Oridecon
  • Gold
  • Rough Oridecon
  • Rough Elunium
  • Oridecon
  • Elunium
  • Pyroxene
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
6 Elunium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Rough Elunium
  • Elunium
  • Gold
  • Rough Oridecon
  • Rough Elunium
  • Oridecon
  • Elunium
  • Pyroxene
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
6 Gold Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Gold Ore
  • Gold
  • Gold
  • Rough Oridecon
  • Rough Elunium
  • Oridecon
  • Elunium
  • Pyroxene
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
6 Pyroxene Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Pyroxene
  • Gold
  • Rough Oridecon
  • Rough Elunium
  • Oridecon
  • Elunium
  • Pyroxene

Lvl 7 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Emperium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the Sun God
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Gem Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Gemstone
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Darkness Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Biotite Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Biotite
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Muscovite Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Muscovite
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
7 Phlogopite Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Phlogopite
  • Emperium
  • Emblem of the sun God
  • Cursed Ruby
  • Fragment of Darkness
  • Dark Crystal Fragment
  • Gemstone
  • Biotite
  • Muscovite
  • Phlogopite

Lvl 8 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
8 Bradium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Small Bradium
  • Bradium
  • Refined Bradium
  • 3Carat Diamond
  • Carnium
  • Small Bradium
  • Bradium
  • Refined Bradium
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jewel of Destruction
  • Lava
  • Illusion Gemstone
  • Illusion Stone
  • Misty's Illusion Piece

Specific Items used to create Lvl 5 Weapons

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
8 Carnium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • 3Carat Diamond
  • Carnium
  • 3Carat Diamond
  • Carnium
  • Small Bradium
  • Bradium
  • Refined Bradium
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jewel of Destruction
  • Lava
  • Illusion Gemstone
  • Illusion Stone
  • Misty's Illusion Piece

Specific Items used to create Lvl 5 Weapons

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
8 Illusion Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Illusion Gemstone
  • Illusion Stone
  • Misty's Illusion Piece
  • 3Carat Diamond
  • Carnium
  • Small Bradium
  • Bradium
  • Refined Bradium
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jewel of Destruction
  • Lava
  • Illusion Gemstone
  • Illusion Stone
  • Misty's Illusion Piece

Specific Items used to create Lvl 5 Weapons

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
8 Quartz Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jewel of Destruction
  • Lava
  • 3Carat Diamond
  • Carnium
  • Small Bradium
  • Bradium
  • Refined Bradium
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jewel of Destruction
  • Lava
  • Illusion Gemstone
  • Illusion Stone
  • Misty's Illusion Piece

Specific Items used to create Lvl 5 Weapons

Lvl 9 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
9 Rich Oridecon Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • 7602
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • Enriched Elunium
  • 7602
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
9 Rich Elunium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • Enriched Elunium
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • Enriched Elunium
  • 7602
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
9 Rainbow Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • Enriched Elunium
  • 7602
  • Large Bradium Fragment
  • Bradium Fragments
  • Enriched Elunium
  • 7602

Lvl 10 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
10 Rich Bradium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • HD Bradium
  • HD Oridecon
  • 17Carat Diamond
  • HD Carnium
  • HD Bradium
  • HD Oridecon
  • HD Elunium
  • 17Carat Diamond
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
10 Rich Carnium Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops
  • HD Carnium
  • HD Elunium
  • 17Carat Diamond
  • HD Carnium
  • HD Bradium
  • HD Oridecon
  • HD Elunium
  • 17Carat Diamond

Lvl 11 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
Common Drops Rare Drops
Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
Common Drops Rare Drops

Lvl 12 Mines

Mines lvl 1~3.gif
Mine Lvl Name
12 Orichalcum Mine
Common Drops Rare Drops

Hunting.png Hunting