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Mystic Project 5 |   Divine Ascension Ragnarok Online

Database Monsters :

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Found a total of 1885 record(s) across 95 page(s). Displaying result(s) 161-180.

Monster ID kRO Name iRO Name Level ▼ HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP ▲ Card ID Custom
27073 War Warg War Warg 110 1,069,895 Large Brute Neutral (Lv 1) 5,197,500 5,197,500 10173 Yes
27173 MVP! Mordenkeinen Mordenkeinen 110 2,628,884 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 24,750,000 24,750,000 10273 Yes
27142 MVP! Freyja Guardian Freyja Guardian 110 5,138,467 Large Plant Wind (Lv 2) 25,987,500 25,987,500 10242 Yes
27143 MVP! Thor Guardian Thor Guardian 110 7,510,067 Large Demon Fire (Lv 2) 25,987,500 25,987,500 10243 Yes
27144 MVP! Loki Guardian Loki Guardian 110 8,695,867 Large Brute Water (Lv 2) 25,987,500 25,987,500 10244 Yes
27002 MVP! Ignis Ignis 110 4,549,600 Large Dragon Fire (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10102 Yes
27003 MVP! Aquam Aquam 110 5,028,505 Large Dragon Water (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10103 Yes
27004 MVP! Ventus Ventus 110 4,310,147 Large Dragon Wind (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10104 Yes
27005 MVP! Terra Terra 110 5,507,411 Large Dragon Earth (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10105 Yes
27006 MVP! Umbra Umbra 110 4,789,053 Large Dragon Dark (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10106 Yes
27007 MVP! Venenum Venenum 110 4,789,053 Large Dragon Poison (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10107 Yes
27008 MVP! Sanctus Sanctus 110 5,267,958 Large Dragon Holy (Lv 4) 33,000,000 33,000,000 10108 Yes
27120 MVP! Melusine Melusine 110 3,286,105 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 3) 35,475,000 35,475,000 10220 Yes
27000 MVP! King Poring King Poring 110 9,781,895 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 4) 39,187,500 39,187,500 10100 Yes
27103 Spirit of Void Spirit of Void 108 166,698 Small Formless Ghost (Lv 2) 1,563,300 1,563,300 10203 Yes
2338 Bangungot Manananggal Manananggal 107 204,511 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 None No
27063 Sorcerer Sorcerer 107 136,439 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 1) 1,460,550 1,460,550 10163 Yes
27064 Evoker Evoker 107 136,439 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 1,460,550 1,460,550 10164 Yes
27065 Priestess Pristess 107 136,439 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 1) 1,460,550 1,460,550 10165 Yes
27066 Blood Caster Blood Caster 107 178,557 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv 1) 1,460,550 1,460,550 10166 Yes
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