Map Items

Revision as of 11:56, 16 December 2021 by Kaly (talk | contribs) (→‎How it works ?)


Map items have been one of the greatest feature of all time in all our project.
  • The concept is simple ! Every time a monster is killed, there is a chance to get a Map Item. This item depends on the level of the monsters you killed. If you are in a Dungeon, you will have more chance to get a Map Item. If you are in a Temple, even more, and so on. The harder the map is, the better quality the Map Item will be.

How it works ?

  • Each monster killed has 0.2% chance to drop a Map Item.
    • A Map Item is a special equipement engraved with Qualities.

Number of Qualities Chance to obtain
1st Quality MonsterLevel x2
2nd Quality (MonsterLevel - 50) / 2
3rd Quality (MonsterLevel - 75) / 3
  You can also get Map Items thanks to Benedictions' Porings !

If a player has 10% more chance to find a Map Item, then, the chance goes up to 0.22%. If a player has a +10% Level Bonus for Map Items, the item generated will see its level goes up by 10%.

  • The item created will be given randomly to a team member on the same map.

You can't get Map Items on monsters below level 10.

  • 3 types of Map Items exist :
    • Equipements.
    • A batch of 10 consumables.
    • Boxes like Old Purple Box or even greater rewards.